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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Enchelidium Ehrenberg, 1836 (ref. ID; 3570)

Enoplida Filijev, 1929: Family Enchelidiidae Filipjev, 1918: Subfamily Enchelidiinae Filipjev, 1918 (ref. ID; 3570)

ref. ID; 3570

Type species

Enchelidium marinum Ehrenberg, 1836 (ref. ID; 3570)
  1. Enchelidium acuminatum Eberth, 1863
    See; Calyptronema (Calyptronema) acuminatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  2. Enchelidium brevicaudatum Allgen, 1947 (ref. ID; 3570)
  3. Enchelidium eberthi De Man, 1876
    See; Calyptronema (Catalaimus) eberthi (ref. ID; 3570)
  4. Enchelidium filicolle Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  5. Enchelidium japanicum Steiner, 1921 (ref. ID; 3570)
  6. Enchelidium longicolle Filipjev, 1918
    See; Symplocostoma tenuicolle (ref. ID; 3570)
  7. Enchelidium macrolaimum Allgen, 1947 (ref. ID; 3570)
  8. Enchelidium marinum Ehrenberg, 1836 (ref. ID; 3570)
  9. Enchelidium microlaimum Allgen, 1951 (ref. ID; 3570)
  10. Enchelidium obtusum Grube, 1861 (ref. ID; 3570)
  11. Enchelidium pacificum Allgen, 1951 (ref. ID; 3570)
  12. Enchelidium pauli (Marion, 1870)
    See; Calyptronema (Calyptronema) acuminatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  13. Enchelidium polare Steiner, 1916
    See; Klugea (Nasinema) polare (ref. ID; 3570)
  14. Enchelidium tenuicolle Eberth, 1863
    See; Symplocostoma tenuicolle (ref. ID; 3570)