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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Dorygaster Khera, 1970 (ref. ID; 7652 original paper)

Dorylaimoidea: Family Dorygasteridae Khera, 1970 (ref. ID; 7652 original paper)

ref. ID; 7652


Head narrower than body, offset by a constriction. Head papillae arranged in two circlets, inner circlet carrying six and outer with ten papillae. Vulva equatorial, transverse slit, female gonads paired, opposed and reflexed. (ref. ID; 7652)

Type species

Dorygaster kashmirensis n. sp. (ref. ID; 7652)
  1. Dorygaster kashmirensis Khera, 1970 (ref. ID; 7652 original paper)

Dorygaster kashmirensis Khera, 1970 (ref. ID; 7652 original paper)


Body slender, tapering more posteriorly than anteriorly, transparent, possessing a short conoid tail, 27 µm long. Body cuticle moderately thick, appearing smooth; subcuticle marked by minute transverse striae. Head narrower than body, 17 µm wide, offset by a constriction, with rounded flattened lips and a small mouth aperture. Head papillae arranged in two circlets: six in the inner circlet and ten in outer. Amphids stirrup-shaped, 2/7 head width wide with slit-like aperture, located close to the base of the lateral lips. Stylet fine and short, 12 µm long and less than 1 µm in maximum width. Stylet extension simple 30 µm long. Guiding ring appearing single, situtated at 2/5 the head width from anterior end. Oesophagus 335 µm long, widens suddenly at 1/3 its length from its anterior end to form a bulb-like structure; the lining of oesophagus at this place provided with three valve-like plates. This is followed by a short isthmus about 20 µm long and then the broad portion typical of dorylaimoids, 185 µm long. Oesophago-intestinal cells elongate-hemispherical. Intestine moderately broad with thick walls and very narrow lumen. Pre-rectum 82 µm long and over three times the anal body diameter. Two ampulla-like nerve ganglia seen in the region of oesophageal isthmus, each giving off a nerve anteriorly. Additionally a nerve ring connects the two ampullae proximally and surrounds the junction of isthmus and posterior portion of oesophagus. Gonads paired, opposed and reflexed. Anterior and posterior ovary, each measuring 72 µm in length. After the cap cell, small oocytes arranged in multiple rows; in a single file on maturity. Uteri with slightly muscular walls, each uterus 130 µm long. Short bulbous vagina, about 5 µm long, with thin hyaline cuticular walls internally and strong musculature externally. Vulva equatorial, flush with body surface, aperture in the form of a transverse slit. (ref. ID; 7652)
  • Male: Male unknown. (ref. ID; 7652)

    Type habitat

    Soil from banks of a temperature freshwater lake, connected to river. (ref. ID; 7652)

    Type locality

    Banks of Dal lake, Srinagar, Kashmir (India). (ref. ID; 7652)

    Deposited material

  • Holotype: Female, collected in October, 1964. Slide no.032. (ref. ID; 7652)
  • Paratype: One female of slide no.032-A. Other data as for holotype. (ref. ID; 7652)


  • Holotype (female): L=1.68 mm, a=38, b=4.8, c=62, V=49.4. (ref. ID; 7652)
  • Paratypes (female n=2): L=1.60 to 1.68 mm, a=38 to 40, b=4.8, c=56 to 62, V=49.4 to 50. (ref. ID; 7652)