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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Criconema Hofmanner & Menzel

Order Tylenchida: Family Criconematidae (ref. ID; 7649)

ref. ID; 1663

Cuticle strongly annulated; body stout. Annules with spines or accessory scales. (ref. ID; 1663)

ref. ID; 1923

Cuticle of females with scales or spines. (A large genus, primarily terrestrial.) (ref. ID; 1923)

ref. ID; 6859

Plant parasite. (ref. ID; 6859)
  1. Criconema bakeri Wu, 1964
    See; Bakernema inaequale (ref. ID; 5968)
  2. Criconema (Variasquamata) fotedari Mahajan & Bijral, 1973 (ref. ID; 7649 original paper)
  3. Criconema guerni (Certes) (ref. ID; 2592)
    Syn; Eubostrichus guerni Certes (ref. ID; 2592)
  4. Criconema inaequale Taylor, 1936
    See; Bakernema inaequale (ref. ID; 5968)
  5. Criconema octangulare (ref. ID; 1923)
  6. Criconema punici Edward, Misra, Peter & Rai, 1971
    See; Crossonema punici (ref. ID; 7649)
  7. Criconema querci Choi & Geraert, 1975
    See; Crossonema quercum (ref. ID; 5848)
  8. Criconema simlaensis Jairajpuri, 1963 (ref. ID; 7649)

Criconema (Variasquamata) fotedari Mahajan & Bijral, 1973 (ref. ID; 7649 original paper)


Body tapering slightly to a truncate head with two annules. First annule slightly anteriorly directed, smooth, 17 µm across. Second annule rounded, 13 µm in diameter. Rest of body annules retrorse, bigger in size and full of dirt particles. Each body annule at mid body with ten longitudinal rows of rhomboidal scales. Annules on tail region lacking the scales and are with almost smooth margins. Six rows of scales present on the head region. Middle two rows of scales at mid body connected with each other on all sides by fine drawnout processes. Submedial lobes present. Stylet robust, 55 µm long, basal knobs 8 µm across, extending through 12 annules. Ovary stretched, with distinct spherical spermatheca, 15 µm in diameter. Vulva located on the 13th annule from tail terminus, its anterior lip overlapping the posterior lip slightly. Anus could not be located. Tail conical, tapering regularly to a roundly conoid terminal annule. (ref. ID; 7649)
  • Male: Not found. (ref. ID; 7649)


    The present specimens come near the subgenus Variasquamata of the genus Criconema because of the presence of ten rows of scales in each annule and are accordingly assigned to it. Criconema (Variasquamata) fotedari n. sp. comes closest to C. simlaensis Jairajpuri, 1963 in the total number of body annules, length of stylet, number of scales in each annule and shape of the tail but can be differentiated by the shape of the first lip annule, shape of the scales on the body, location of vulva and the presence of a spermatheca. (ref. ID; 7649)


    The new specific is after Dr. D.N. Fotedar, Professor of Zoology, University of Kashmir, India. (ref. ID; 7649)


    Forest soil. (ref. ID; 7649)


    Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh. (ref. ID; 7649)

    Deposited materials

  • Holotype female: Slide no.RM/C/2. (ref. ID; 7649)
  • Paratype female: Slide no.RM/C/2. (ref. ID; 7649)


  • Holotype female: L=0.27 mm, a=7.3, a=11, b=3.5, c=?, V=87%, R=60, RSt=12, ROes=17, RV=13, Stylet 55 µm. (ref. ID; 7649)
  • Paratype female: L=0.3 mm, a=7.5, a=12, b=3.5, c=?, V=89%, R=63, RSt=12, ROes=18, RV=12, Stylet 60 µm. (ref. ID; 7649)