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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Anoplostoma Butschli, 1874 (ref. ID; 3570)

Enoplida Filijev, 1929: Family Anoplostomatidae Fam. nov. (ref. ID; 3570)

Enoplida (ref. ID; 6180)

ref. ID; 3570

Type species

Symplocostoma viviparum Bastian 1865, designated by Butschli 1874 (ref. ID; 3570)
  1. Anoplostoma blanchardi De Man, 1888 (ref. ID; 3570)
  2. Anoplostoma campbelli Allgen, 1932 (ref. ID; 3570)
  3. Anoplostoma camus Wieser, 1953 (ref. ID; 3570)
  4. Anoplostoma copano Chitwood, 1951 (ref. ID; 3570)
  5. Anoplostoma demani Timm, 1952 (ref. ID; 3570)
  6. Anoplostoma dubium Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  7. Anoplostoma elegans Kreis, 1929 (ref. ID; 3570)
  8. Anoplostoma exceptum Schulz, 1935 (ref. ID; 3570)
  9. Anoplostoma gracile Linstow, 1900
    See; Crenopharynx gracilis (ref. ID; 3570)
  10. Anoplostoma heterurum (Cobb, 1914) Kreis, 1934 (ref. ID; 3570)
    Syn; Oncholaimellus heterurus Cobb, 1914 (ref. ID; 3570)
  11. Anoplostoma hirtum Gerlach, 1956 (ref. ID; 3570)
  12. Anoplostoma longisetum Steiner, 1916
    See; Chaetonema longisetum (ref. ID; 3570)
  13. Anoplostoma spinosum Butschli, 1874
    See; Axonolaimus spinosus (ref. ID; 3570)
  14. Anoplostoma subulatum Gerlach, 1957 (ref. ID; 3570)
  15. Anoplostoma sunderbanae Timm, 1967 (ref. ID; 3570)
  16. Anoplostoma tenuicaudum Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  17. Anoplostoma tenuisetum Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  18. Anoplostoma viviparum (Bastian, 1865) (ref. ID; 1735) or (Bastian, 1865) Butschli, 1874 (ref. ID; 3570)
    Syn; Symplocostoma viviparum Bastian, 1865 (ref. ID; 3570)

Anoplostoma viviparum (Bastian, 1865) (ref. ID; 1735) or (Bastian, 1865) Butschli, 1874 (ref. ID; 3570)


Symplocostoma viviparum Bastian, 1865 (ref. ID; 3570)


Oxybiotic species. (ref. ID; 1735)