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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Parasphaerastrum Mikrjukov, 1996 (ref. ID; 4884 original paper)

[ref. ID; 4884]
Diagnosis; Centrohelid heliozoa with a periplast comprising tangential siliceous elements represented by slightly curved sold siliceous rods. Radial elements are absent in the periplast. One species. (ref. ID; 4884)
Remarks; Brackish (24 0/00: Mikrjukov 1994) and marine water (Mikrjukov 1994) isolates of R. marina are EM studied now. Principal differences were observed only in the length of spicules, which were 1.5-2 times shorter in brackish-water organisms. At last, scales of species of the third (iii) groups consisting of two plates connected by internal radial septae ought to be supposed to develop from scales of the R. ambigua-type. The origin of septae ought to be connected with the system of radiating rib-slits. The type-species of the genus Raphidiophrys - R. viridis Archer emend. Siemensma & Roijackers - belongs to this group. (ref. ID; 4884)
  1. Parasphaerastrum marina (Ostenfeld, 1904), emend. Mikrjukov, 1994 (ref. ID; 4884)