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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Myriophrys Penard (ref. ID; 1618)

[ref. ID; 1618]
Spherical or ovoid, covered with protoplasmic envelope containing scales (?), surrounded by numerous fine processes; endoplasm vesicular; a large nucleus eccentric; a large contractile vacuole; long pseudopodia granulated and attenuated toward ends. (ref. ID; 1618)
  1. Myriophrys paradoxa Penard, 1897 (ref. ID; 3691) reported year? (ref. ID; 1618)

Myriophrys paradoxa Penard, 1897 (ref. ID; 3691) reported year? (ref. ID; 1618)


In fresh water swamps. (ref. ID; 1618)


Average diameter 40 um. (ref. ID; 1618)