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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Volvox Linne

[ref. ID; 3490]
The colony is large, spherical and consists of numerous individuals connected each other with cytoplasmic strands in the gelatinous envelope. The sexual reproduction is obviously seen in the colony, of which some cells develop to the egg and antherozoids. (ref. ID; 3490)
  1. Volvox aureus Ehrenberg (ref. ID; 3699)
  2. Volvox carteri f. nagariensis Iygengar (ref. ID; 3699)
  3. Volvox carteri f. weismannia (Powers) Iygengar (ref. ID; 3699)
  4. Volvox dissipatrix (Shaw) Printz (ref. ID; 3699)
  5. Volvox gigans Pocock (ref. ID; 3699)
  6. Volvox globator Linne (ref. ID; 3490)
  7. Volvox rousseletii Pocock (ref. ID; 3699)

Volvox globator Linne (ref. ID; 3490)


The cell is pyramidal, having a single large chloroplast and an eye-spot, and is inbeded in the gelatinous hexagonal individuals sheath. (ref. ID; 3490)