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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Rhaphidomonas Stein (ref. ID; 3490)

See Gonyostomum (ref. ID; 1618)

[ref. ID; 3490]
The cell is flattened, has a characteristic rigid periplast in which there are reflexible trichocysts and contains a marked reservoir and numerous yellowish green ovoid chromatophores. (ref. ID; 3490)
  1. Rhaphidomonas depressum (Lauterborn) (ref. ID; 3490)
  2. Rhaphidomonas semen Stein (ref. ID; 3490)

Rhaphidomonas depressum (Lauterborn) (ref. ID; 3490)


The species of 35 um of length is flattened and ovate, and contains a spherical reservoir and many ovoidal chromatophores. (ref. ID; 3490)

Rhaphidomonas semen Stein (ref. ID; 3490)


The species is cuneate, and has elongate trichocysts radiating in the front part of the pellicle, a triangular reservoir in the anterior region and numerous minute discoidal chromatophores. (ref. ID; 3490)


The examined specimens were measured about 40 um in length. (ref. ID; 3490)