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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Nudifila Howe & Cavalier-Smith, 2011 (ref. ID; 7130 original paper)

[ref. ID; 7130]
Diagnosis; Soft-bodied heterotrophic biflagellates with two prominent flagella, forming flattened and/or filose, branching, and reticulose pseudopodia that project from all around cell. (ref. ID; 7130)
Etymology; nudus L. naked, because cell is a naked, not a testate amoeba; filum L. thread, for its filopodia. (ref. ID; 7130)
Type species; Nudifila producta (ref. ID; 7130)
  1. Nudifila producta Howe & Cavalier-Smith, 2011 (ref. ID; 7130 original paper)

Nudifila producta Howe & Cavalier-Smith, 2011 (ref. ID; 7130 original paper)


18S rDNA sequence, GenBank HQ121434; cell size 9.3 um (5-15 um); AF 1-1.5X BL; PF 2-2.5X BL. PF not always associated with the cell along its length. AF and PF both emerge anteriorly from slight sub-apical depression. Cell shape round, very metabolic, usually somewhat irregular. Web-like filose, branching and reticulose pseudopodia usually project all around cell. Almost always with bulbous, finger-like or lameller pseudopodia. Cytoplasmic tail usual; filose, finger-like or lamellar. Cell movement slow creeping, usually in contact with substratum; projects and retracts pseudopodia during progress. Freshwater; cultured in Volvic and grain; bacterivorous. Large cv in anterior half of cell. N usually central, adjacent and posterior to cv. Cell fission longitudinal, splits right to left. Cysts not observed. (ref. ID; 7130)


Nudifila producta groups weakly with environmental DNA NC1 and 2 (Bass and Cavalier-Smith 2004), Clautriavia, and Marimonadida. Our unpublished environmental DNA data show that this part of the cercozoan tree is extremely diverse with many unidentified and relatively deeply-branching lineages. These lineages reveal only a very small proportion of an unappreciated imbricate diversity as there are may identified environmental DNAs in this region of the tree (most not shown). (ref. ID; 7130)


productus L. stretched out, extended; like its pseudopodia. (ref. ID; 7130)

Type strain

Cs-4a, CCAP 1911/1 (found contaminating an aged culture of Cercomonas plasmodialis CS-4 isolated by A.P. Mylnikov in 1980 from soil, Borok, Russia). (ref. ID; 7130)