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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Mastigina Frenzel, 1892 (ref. ID; 3652)

[ref. ID; 3652]
Amoeboid movement smoothly monopodial, with nuclei and flagella at front. Flagella active or nonmotile. Some forms with multiple nonmotile flagella in addition to a single large active flagellum. One to two nuclei; mitosis within nuclear membrane, with division of nucleolus. (ref. ID; 3652)
  1. Mastigina hylae Frenzel (ref. ID; 7674) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 3652)
  2. Mastigina setosa Goldschmidt, 1907 (ref. ID; 3652)

Mastigina hylae Frenzel (ref. ID; 7674) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 3652)


Cell ultrastructure. (ref. ID; 7674)

Mastigina setosa Goldschmidt, 1907 (ref. ID; 3652)


Mastigina setosa has numerous "setae" (6-9 um filaments) extending from the plasmalemma, each with a basal granule. It is in the size range of small binucleate P. palustris, it has peripheral nuclear chromatin and foamy vesicular cytoplasm somewhat like P. palustris, and its amoeboid motion is like Pelomyxa's. Mastigina setosa is herbivorous and ingests filamentous algae, as does P. palustris. Differences from Pelomyxa palustris are that it lacks cytoplasmic bacteria, is not large or multinucleated, and that it has a long motile flagellum in addition to the setae. (ref. ID; 3652)