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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Gephyramoeba Goodey, 1915 (ref. ID; 3687)
  1. Gephyramoeba delicatula Goodey, 1915 (ref. ID; 3687, 7744) reported year? (ref. ID; 3497)
  2. Gephyramoeba distracta Lepsi, 1960 (ref. ID; 3687 original paper)

Gephyramoeba delicatula Goodey, 1915 (ref. ID; 3687, 7744) reported year? (ref. ID; 3497)


The species grows to a large irregular form with many lobose pseudopodia which rarely anastomose. The body has usually a single nucleus, numerous small contractile vacuoles and occasionally few small uroid. The discrimination between the ecto-and endoplasm is generally unable, and the protoplasmic current is usually active. (ref. ID; 3497)


Small specimens smaller than 50 um are similar to Vahlkampfia limax Dujardin in form and activity, but these are distinguishable from those of the latter in having many small vacuoles scattered in the entire body. (ref. ID; 3497)


Length 25-400 um; diameter of a nucleus 5 um. (ref. ID; 3497)