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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Diplomita Kent (ref. ID; 1618)

[ref. ID; 1618]
With transparent lorica; body attached to bottom of lorica by a retractile filamentous process; a rudimentary stigma (?); fresh water. (ref. ID; 1618)

[ref. ID; 5694]
Free-living heterotrophic flagellates. (ref. ID; 5694)
  1. Diplomita socialis Kent (ref. ID; 1618)

Diplomita socialis Kent (ref. ID; 1618)


Oval; lorica yellowish or pale brown; broadly spindle in form; pond water. (ref. ID; 1618)


About 15 um long; flagellum about two to three times the body length. (ref. ID; 1618)