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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Deuteramoeba Page, 1986 (ref. ID; 7615 original paper)

Family Amoebidae Ehrenberg, 1838 (ref. ID; 7615)

[ref. ID; 7615]
Uninucleate. Commonly polypodial. Cytoplasmic crystals seldom if ever of distinct bipyramidal or plate-like form; many paired inclusions, sometimes single, hour-glass-shaped bodies. Filamentous surface coat without distinct, separate filaments radiating from plasm membrane. Inner nuclear lamina of one known species a layer of fibres parallel to nuclear membrane. (ref. ID; 7615)
Type species; Deuteramoeba algonguinensis (Baldock, Rogerson & Berger, 1983) n. comb. (ref. ID; 7615)
  1. Deuteramoeba algonguinensis (Baldock, Rogerson & Berger, 1983) n. comb. (ref. ID; 7615)