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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Lophophorina Penard, 1922 (ref. ID; 2013)

Class Kinetofragminophora: Subclass Hypostomata: Order Cyrtophorida: Suborder Dysteriina (ref. ID; 2013)

[ref. ID; 2013]
Body outline oval to reniform, dorso-ventrally flattened with strongly arched dorsal surface. Somatic ciliature restricted to ventral surface where cilia arise from several curving longitudinal striations. Oral aperture in anterior region but without a basket of trichites. A flabby mobile tentacle-like structure composed of several cilia bound together arises from the left side of the apex. Macronucleus elongate and horseshoe shape. 2 contractile vacuoles present, one anterior, one posterior. Description based on single report by Penard (1922) who observed the animal as a commensal on the crustacean Gammarus in Switzerland.
Quote; Colin R. Curds "British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part I Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophora" Cambridge University Press, 1982 (ref. ID; 2013)
  1. Lophophorina capronata Penard, 1922 (ref. ID; 1622)