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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Helicoprorodon Faure-Fremiet, 1950 (ref. ID; 3690)

Gymnostomata (ref. ID; 7559)
  1. Helicoprorodon barbatus Dragesco (ref. ID; 3690)
  2. Helicoprorodon gigas (Kahl, 1933) (ref. ID; 3119) reported year? (ref. ID; 2117, 3690, 7559)
  3. Helicoprorodon maximus Dragesco (ref. ID; 3690)
  4. Helicoprorodon minutus Bock, 1952 (ref. ID; 3119) reported year? (ref. ID; 2117)
  5. Helicoprorodon multinucleatus Dragesco, 1960 (ref. ID; 3690 original paper) reported year? (ref. ID; 2117)
  6. Helicoprorodon orientalis Raikov (ref. ID; 2117)

Helicoprorodon gigas (Kahl, 1933) (ref. ID; 3119) reported year? (ref. ID; 2117, 3690, 7559)


Marine ciliate. Helicoprorodon gigans is a large contractile vermiform ciliate, reaching 2.5 mm in length when extended and 0.8-1 mm when contracted. Its pharyngeal apparatus is a tubular, posteriorly tapering apical basket, about 50-60 um long and about 8-10 um wide. According to light microscopy, one of the somatic kineties makes approximately 2 turns around the cytostome along a tight spiral, maked with a cytoplasmic ridge, the remaining kineties failing to reach the cytostome (Faure-Fremiet 1950; Fjeld 1955; Dragesco 1960; Raikov 1960). The exact number and arrangement of the kineties in the circumoral area remained however unknown. Fine structure of the circumoral ciliature and pharyngeal apparatus. (ref. ID; 7559)