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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Chilodonatella Dragesco, 1966 (ref. ID; 2013)

Class Kinetofragminophora: Subclass Hypostomata: Order Cyrtophorida: Suborder Chlamydodontina (ref. ID; 2013)

[ref. ID; 2013]
Body outline oval to pyriform, without obvious dorso-ventral flattening. Rather small (20 um long). Somatic ciliature restricted to the ventral surface which is longitudinally ridged. The ciliature is highly simplified and consists of 4 parallel rows of cilia on either side of the body which curve around to meet anteriorly in front of the oral aperture. The aperture is rounded and is supported by a basket of trichites. The macronucleus is large, ventrally located in the posterior body third. There is a single large contractile vacuole which lies dorsally in the posterior body third.
Quote; Colin R. Curds "British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part I Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophora" Cambridge University Press, 1982 (ref. ID; 2013)