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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Ancystropodium Faure-Fremiet, 1909 (ref. ID; 2014)

Class Polyhymenophora: Subclass Spirotricha: Order Hypotrichida: Suborder Sporadotrichina: Family Oxytrichidae (ref. ID; 2014)

[ref. ID; 2014]
Body irregularly shaped like an upturned pyramid tapering posteriorly, borne on a contractile stalk-like appendage derived from the region of the transverse cirri acting as a holdfast. 2 rows of marginal cirri, assorted front-ventral cirri of which the most anterior three are large. 3 caudal cirri arise from the dorsal surface. AZM is large, relatively strong and possesses an anterior collar. Macronucleus in several parts. Single species genus.
Quote; Colin R. Curds, Michael A. Gates and David McL. Roberts "British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part II Ciliophora: Oligohymenophora and Polyhymenophora" Cambridge University Press, 1983 (ref. ID; 2014)
  1. Ancystropodium maupasi Faure-Fremiet, 1909 (ref. ID; 1621)