
Announcing the Publication of NIES Annual Report 2016

October 31, 2016
International Coordination Office, NIES Planning Department,
NIES Editorial Board Office (Planning Office, Environmental Information Department)

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) is pleased to announce the publication of the NIES Annual Report 2016, the official record of our activities in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, which provides information on our institute and its activities and outcomes for the period for the reference of interested parties, both in Japan and overseas, in English.

1.Overview: NIES Annual Report 2016

the Cover of NIES Annual Report 2016

 NIES Annual Report 2016 is the official record of activities at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 (April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016), and introduces our institute and its research outcomes for this period for the reference of interested parties, both in Japan and overseas, in English.

 The current volume details the status and progress of our activities in the fifth year of our previous (third) five-year plan (FY 2011-2015) including many pictures and figures to illustrate our various research topics and outcomes undertaken in the eight pillar fields of environmental research at our institute for this period. In March of FY 2012, we revised our five-year plan to reflect research undertaken in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake on disasters and the environment, including integrated and comprehensive surveys and studies towards recovery and restoration from the disaster, currently being implemented by NIES.

 The annual report for FY 2015 in Japanese was also published in June of this year, and can be viewed below.

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