
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Public Symposium 2014: Towards Low Carbon Society - Initiatives to reduce Greenhouse Gases and Our Future


April 18 (Friday), 2014
Public Relations Office, Planning Department, National Institute for
Environmental Studies
(Contact: 029-850-2453)

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) holds its annual Public Symposium in June to coincide with Environment Month. This year's event will take as its theme "Towards Low Carbon Society - Initiatives to reduce Greenhouse Gases and Our Future" with respective Tokyo and Nara chapters. At the symposium, we will introduce a range of our research outcomes on global environmental issues. Attendance is free of charge.

1. Overview of the National Institute for Environmental Studies Public Symposium 2014

Main Theme

"Towards Low Carbon Society: Initiatives to reduce Greenhouse Gases and our Future"


     The warming of the globe, as a representative issue of climate change, is a long-term global problem which requires both an immediate response and trans-generational countermeasures and strategies. If we are to effectively deal with this issue, it is essential that we make projections about the factors which cause changes in global GHGS and the changes in the composition of the atmosphere which will accompany changes in climate. We must also acquire scientific know-how and related data on the impacts thereof.

     NIES implements research over a broad scope in relation to the issues associated with global warming including observation, model projections, impact assessment and policy-making.

     At the current NIES Public Symposium there will be five lectures on subjects relating to the global environment with attendees also having the opportunity to come face-to-face with NIES researchers engaged with these issues at the poster session (21 posters displays are planned).

Dates, Times and Venues

  • Tokyo Chapter: June 13 (Friday), 2014, 12:00-17:30, Mielparque Hall
  • Nara Chapter: June 27 (Friday), 2014, 12:00-17:30, Noh Theatre, Nara Prefectural New Public Hall

2. Program (Same for Tokyo and Nara Chapters)

12:00-13:00 Poster Session (21 posters)
13:00 Opening Address, NIES President SUMI, Akimasa
13:10 First Lecture: "The reality of atmospheric GHGs today – the unstoppable rise in concentrations", Tsuneo MACHIDA
13:50 Second Lecture: "Why LCS?: the climate change risk management perspective", Seita EMORI
14:30 Third Lecture: "International climate change negotiations: will we have a new international system by 2015?", Yasuko KAMEYAMA
15:10-15:25 Break
15:25 Fourth Lecture: "GHG reduction measures on global, Asian and national scales", Toshihiko MASUI
16:05 Fifth Lecture: "Towards "Eco-cities" which make the most use of regional strengths", Tsuyoshi FUJITA
16:45 Closing Address, NIES Vice President Hideo HARASAWA
16:50-17:30 Poster Session*
*Same content as the 12:00 session, but with additional participation of symposium speakers.

Poster Session, Titles

1. Effect of bisphenol A as an environmental chemical on allergic asthma
2. Effect of diesel fumes on mouse learning and maternal behaviors
3. National birth cohort study JECS (Japan Environment and Children’s Study) successful recruitment of 100,000 expectant mothers
4. Method for the analysis of mercury dynamics using isotopic ratio changes
5. Environmental reference materials – ensuring the reliability of environmental measurement
6. Various methods for the visualization of global warming
7. Impact of global warming on soil respiration
8. International promotion of the URCM (Urban and Regional Carbon Management) initiative
9. Changes in the water cycle from melting of the Mongolian permafrost and elucidation of relationship to carbon sinks
10. Origin and extent of wide scale air pollution in East Asia
11. Urban compactification and reduction of carbon emissions from passenger vehicles
12. Potential for introduction of renewable energy with consideration to power fluctuations
13. International study on stakeholder awareness of Extended Producer Responsibility
14. Assessment of waste stabilization from landfill towards the elucidation of landfill gas emission levels
15. Towards dynamic and environmentally-friendly disaster waste treatment: systematization, planning, and cultivation of human resources
16. Septic tank systems for disasters
17. Exposure levels of environmental organic chemicals and biological effects
18. Prediction of ecotoxicity based on chemical structures
19. Mongoose eradication on the island of Awami-oshima and recovery of native mice populations
20. Japanese quail as a bioresource: impact evaluations method for chemicals using Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
21. Role of the GHG Inventory Office at NIES following the report from the first period of the Kyoto Protocol

3. Dates, Times and Venues

Tokyo Chapter

June 13 (Friday), 2014, 12:00-17:30, Mielparque Hall
Address: 2-5-10, Shibakouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8582, Tel.: 03-3459-5501
Access: 10 Minutes walk from JR Monorail Hamatsu Station / 2 minutes walk from Exit A3, Shibakoen Station, Toei Mita Line / 4 minutes walk from Exit A3 or A6, Daimon Station, Oedo Line

Nara Chapter

June 27 (Friday), 2014, 12:00-17:30, Noh Theatre, Nara Prefectural New Public Hall
Address: Kasuganochou 101, Nara City Tel: 0742-27-2630
Access: 20 minutes walk from Kintetsu Railways Nara Station, Kyoto Line Nara Station / Shuttle bus from JR Kansai-honsen, Nara Line, Nara station to Daibutuden-kasuga grand shrine (3 minutes walk)

4. Application Method

(1) Official Symposium Site

Register for either the Tokyo or Nara Chapters of the NIES Public Symposium at the following page: [ http://www.nies.go.jp/event/sympo/2014/ ] A confirmation mail will be automatically dispatched. Please print and bring this on the day for entrance to the public symposium

(2) Postcard/FAX

Please write you name/contact address/contact telephone number/FAX No./Email address and indicate whether you wish to participate in the Tokyo or Nara Chapters of the NIES Public Symposium on a postcard, or FAX same to: 029-851-2854, to receive your confirmation of registration.

In the case that you have indicated an email address a confirmation will be sent to that address. If you have indicated neither an email address nor fax, we will send a confirmation to your home address. In all cases the confirmation should be brought to reception on the day of the symposium for entry to the venue.

(3) Official Symposium Mobile Site

Either scan the QR code on a symposium leaflet or poster or access the following site to complete registration. Please bring the confirmation mail to the reception on the day for entry into the symposium venue. [ https://www.miceworld.jp/nies2014/mobile ]

NOTE 1: As we will prepare the venue in advance according to the numbers of attendees expected, we request that you complete the application process asap.
NOTE 2: The symposium will be recorded for our records and put on the NIES homepage at a later date. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

5. Contact

Administrative office, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Public Symposium 2014, Sakura International Inc., Osaka Head Office, Harimacho 1-22-11, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545-0022, Japan
Tel.: 050-5517-0970 FAX: 050-5517-4648 E-mail: info_nies2014@miceworld.jp

Privacy Policy
a) Any personal information submitted will be subject to the NIES security polcy and will not be used for any other purposes than those related to the Public Symposium.
b) Any such information is being submitted to the symposium hosts, the National Institute for Environmental Studies.
c) Applicants may be sent information on the next symposium. However the dispatch of such information can be cancelled immediately on request.

Images from the NIES Public Symposium 2013