
Side Event and Exhibition at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP19/CMP9

31th October, 2013
Mikiko KAINUMA, Fellow, Junichi FUJINO, Senior Researcher
Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research
Shogo MURAKAMI, Manager
International Coordination Office, Planning Department
National Institute for Environmental Studies

   The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) will jointly host a side event with the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) with the title “Roadmap and Actions toward Low Carbon Societies in Malaysia and throughout Asia” at the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 9th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the parties (CMP9) to the Kyoto Protocol (November 11-22, 2013, Warsaw, Poland). At this side event of COP19/CMP9, the scenarios “Ten Actions towards Low Carbon Asia” implemented under the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment will be presented. In addition, at the exhibition booth at the conference venue, the status and outcomes of a broad range of environmental research initiatives at NIES – with a focus on global warming - including scenarios towards the realization of low carbon Asia; results of future climate simulations using the global climate model MIROC5; the latest GHG monitoring data from the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (Ibuki, GOSAT); and the forthcoming Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite 2 (GOSAT-2) will be introduced.
   At the Japan Pavilion of COP19/CMP19, NIES will also organize four events based on our research outcomes related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the future regime in regards to climate change.

1. Overview of Side Event “Roadmap and Actions toward Low Carbon Societies in Malaysia and throughout Asia”

Date: Friday, 15 November 2013
Time: 11:30 - 13:00
Venue: Room Wroclaw, Stadion Narodosy (conference venue, Warsaw, Poland)
Hosts: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES, Japan)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM, Malaysia)
Details: We will report on the latest research outputs relating to the potential GHG reductions from 10 key actions toward low carbon societies in Asia, a project which has been conducted under the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. We will also discuss their barriers and opportunities for their implementation at international and domestic levels. A city-level case study will focus on LCS Implementation in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

2. Overview of NIES Exhibition

Date: Monday, 11 - Saturday, 16 November 2013
Time: 11:30 - 13:00
Venue: COP19/CMP9 Side Event and Exhibition Booth Venue at Stadion Narodosy (conference venue, Warsaw, Poland)
Details: We will present to the world the broad scope of NIES’environmental research initiatives - with an emphasis on climate change and global warming - and their outcomes. In particular we will exhibit on scenarios for low carbon societies using the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model; climate risk assessment using integrated climate, impact, and land-use models; future climate simulations utilizing the global climate model MIROC5; global monitoring of GHGs and carbon fluxes by means of various platforms, including the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (Ibuki, GOSAT) and Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite 2 (GOSAT-2).

3. Overview of NIES Events at the Japan Pavilion of COP19/CMP19

(1) Pathways toward Low Carbon Societies in Asia by 2050 and contributions of Japan to their realization

Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Details: This event will present an overview of the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) and research outcomes of low carbon society scenarios at national and city levels in Asia as analyzed using the AIM. It will then discuss the contributions from Japan which are imperative towards the implementation of leapfrog development in Asia in line with the outcomes of training sessions and workshops organized in collaboration with governments and research institutes in Asia.

(2) Responding to the adaptation challenges: an interactive session for mobilization of adaptation research and partner engagement

Date: Thursday, 14 November 2013
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Details: This event will be an interactive consultation session on how to initiate a process to facilitate adaptation in the research community in order to engage with the development of research projects in line with identified research priorities and means for their implementation based on research outcomes from the UNEP‐hosted Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA) and the “Comprehensive Research on Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Policies,” implemented under the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. This event will be co-organized by NIES and PROVIA.

(3) Scenario development toward low carbon societies (LCS) in Malaysia and the direction of the policy planning: announcement of 10 policy actions toward the realization of LCS in Iskandar, Malaysia

Date: Monday, 18 November 2013
Time: 9:00 - 10:30
Details: NIES has conducted collaborative research with Kyoto University, Okayama University, and others, in order to develop low carbon scenarios and countermeasures for Iskandar, Putrajaya, and at a national level for Malaysia as a whole. This event will introduce the latest policy actions which have been developed centering on Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) and the research outcomes of low carbon scenario studies for Malaysia.

(4) Dialogue on the agreed outcomes by 2015 under the Durban Platform process

Date: Tuesday 19 November 2013
Time: 14:30 - 16:00
Details: The objective of this event is to discuss the items of potential agreement for 2015 under the Durban Platform by inviting panelists from Japan and overseas. It will be implemented on the basis of the outcomes of an international survey conducted as part of the research project "Study on international climate change framework for years beyond 2020” funded by the Environment Research Fund of Japan's Ministry of the Environment.