Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:30:30

SAKAI Masaru

Researcher Name
SAKAI Masaru
Div (Section) name/title
Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center (FRECC)(Environmental Impact Assessment Section)/Senior Researcher
Ph.D. (Global Environmental Studies)
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
River ecosystem,Forest ecosystem,Agroecosystem
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26843 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 26845 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 26848 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26849 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26864 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26899 : Monitoring the dynamics of radiocesium in a multi-media environment
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26430 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 26432 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 26435 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26436 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26453 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26627 : Monitoring the dynamics of radiocesium in a multi-media environment
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26772 : Understanding the dynamics of animal communities and the maintenance of biodiversity in interactions among spring-fed and runoff streams
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25995 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 25997 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 26001 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26002 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26010 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26035 : Monitoring the dynamics of radiocesium in a multi-media environment
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25527 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 25529 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 25535 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 25536 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25713 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25766 : Monitoring the dynamics of radiocesium in a multi-media environment
    • 25930 : Ecosystem functions of spring-fed streams in maintaining biodiversity in river networks
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25375 : Ecosystem functions of spring-fed streams in maintaining biodiversity in river networks
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Spring ecosystems in Japan: Knowledge and perspectives
    Presenter : Sakai M., Naito R.S., Bauman D.
    Title : , Springs of the World: Distribution, Ecology, and Conservation Status (2023)
  • Indirect effects of deer overgrazing on stream ecosystems
    Presenter : Sakai M., Fukushima K., Nakagawa H.
    Title : , Sika deer: life history plasticity and management (2022)
  • Characteristics of 137Cs concentration and radioactivity transfer in large aquatic insect species
    Presenter : Fujino T., Senavirathna M.D.H.J, Sakai M., Gomi T.
    Title : , Impacts of Fukushima nuclear accident on freshwater environments (2021)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture