
ITEC-NIES Joint Seminar

Date October 18 (Thursday), 2012
Time 13:00-15:00
Venue Large Seminar Room, Tokyo Office, Doshisha University
Access http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/english/access/tokyo-access.html
Language English
Speaker Dr. Annela Anger
Senior Research Associate, Department of Land Economy,
University of Cambridge
Theme Regulating carbon emissions in the transport sector
Entrance fee Free

  • http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/english/access/tokyo-access.html

Seminar Content

Regulating carbon emissions in the transport sector that amounts for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions can be challenging.

However there are policies adopted at the regional level and international negotiations are ongoing. This talk will look into what kind of carbon reduction policies and measures for transport are adopted at the EU level and what kind of measures are needed to achieve carbon reduction in the transport sector at the global level. It will also look into co-benefits of reducing CO2 emissions from transport. During the talk some simulation results from the energy-environment-economy model at the global level (E3MG) will be presented and the recent issues related to the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS will be discussed.

  • ※ Further details and a downloadable application form can be found at the following link:
    (Please refer to "updated! (Sep. 04)" under " UPCOMING EVENTS & NEWS".)