
Dialogue on the agreed outcomes by 2015 under the Durban Platform process

Japan Pavilion, November 19


The aim of this side event was to invite leading experts from around the world to participate in an active discussion on the items for potential inclusion in a 2015 agreement under the Durban Platform process, focusing in particular on the overall structure of the agreement; its legal nature and form; and how these aspects could influence the contents of the agreement. During the actual discussions, there was no specific engagement with, for example, the issues of the legal form which the agreement should take; whether the 2015 agreement ought to be a completely new protocol; or particular decisions which should be taken at COP. Rather, the panelists were asked to delineate their ideas as to what kind of agreement would be agreeable to all Parties, while securing effectiveness in terms of climate protection. A series of brief presentations from the panelists was followed by a Q&A session, with lively engagement from participants on the floor - in what nevertheless proved to be a meaningful and informative 90 minute session.

For a full list of the names of panelists and more details on this event, please refer to: