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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 5300-5399)

Ref ID : 5300

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Ref ID : 5301

David Bryce; On a new classification of the Bdelloid Rotifera. J.Quekett Microscopical Club 40, 1911

Ref ID : 5302

Hans Buchner; [Vitalitat und Bisexualitat bei der heterogonen Radertieren]. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 45, 1938

Ref ID : 5303

Hans Buchner, Franz Mulzer, and Fritz Rauh; [Untersuchungen uber die Variabilitat der Radertiere I. Problemstellung und vorlaufige Mitteilung uber die Ergebnisse]. Biol.Zentralbl. 76:289-315, 1957

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Ref ID : 5313

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E.B. Dougherty and B. Solberg; Male producing (normal) lines and a maleless (aberrant) line in the Rotifer Brachionus variabilis. Genetics 44, 1959

Ref ID : 5315

E.B. Dougherty, B. Solberg, and Ferral D. Jeanne; The first axenic cultivation of a Rotifer species. Experientia 17, 1961

Ref ID : 5316

W.T. Edmondson; Ecological applications of Lansing's work on longevity in Rotatoria. Science 108, 1948

Ref ID : 5317

Anna Hillbricht-Ilkowska; Attempt at evaluation of the production and turnover of planktonic rotifers on the example of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse). Bull.Acad.Pol.Sci.Biol. 15(1):35-40, 1967

Ref ID : 5318

W.T. Edmondson; Reproductive rates of Rotifers in natural populations. Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia (Mem.Ist.Ital.Idrobiol.) 12:21-77, 1960

Ref ID : 5319

A. Lange; [Zur Kenntnis der Asplanchna sieboldii Leydig]. Zoologischer Anzeiger 38:433-441, 1911

Ref ID : 5320

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Ref ID : 5321

A.I. Lansing; Some effects of hydrogen ion concentration, total salt concentration, calcium and citrate on longevity and fecundity of the Rotifers. J.Exp.Zool. 91:195-211, 1942

Ref ID : 5322

A.I. Lansing; Increase of cortical calcium with age in the cells of a Rotifer. Biol.Bull. 82, 1942

Ref ID : 5323

A.I. Lansing; Evidence for aging as a consequence of growth cessation. Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 34:304-310, 1948

Ref ID : 5324

G. Lindau; [Ueber die Widerstandsfahigheit von Moossrotatorien aus Wasserkulturen gegen Trocknung und gegen niedere und hohe Temperaturen]. Z.Morph.Okol. 47, 1958

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Ref ID : 5330

Ruth St. Lynch and Helen P. Smith; A study of the effects of modifications of the culture medium upon length of life and fecundity in a Rotifer Proales sordida with special relation to their heritability. Biol.Bull. 60, 1931

Ref ID : 5331

Br. Mack; [Ueber ein eigentumliches Verhalten isolierten Plastiden in der Magenwand des Rotators Ascomorpha ecaudis Perty]. Oesterr.botan.Zeits 89, 1952

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Helen Miller; Alternation of generations in the Rotifer Lecane inermis Bryce. Biol.Bull. 60, 1931

Ref ID : 5334

Frank J. Myers; A new genus of Rotifer (Dorria). With observations on Cephalodella crassipes Lord. J.Royal Microscopical Society 53, 1933

Ref ID : 5335

Frank J. Myers; Rotifera from the Adirodack region of New-York. Amer.Mus.Novitates 903, 1937

Ref ID : 5336

Frank J. Myers; New species of Rotifers from the collections of American Museum of Natural History. Amer.Mus.Novitates 1011, 1938

Ref ID : 5337

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Ref ID : 5338

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Ref ID : 5341

W. Ohle; [Der Schwefelsaure Teich bei Reinbeck, Monographie eines idiotrophen Weihers]. Arch.Hydrobiol. 30, 1936

Ref ID : 5342

O. Olofson; [Susswasser Entomostraken und Rotatorien von der Murmankuste und aus der nordlichsten Norwegen]. Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala (Zool.Bidrag,Uppsala) 5, 1917

Ref ID : 5343

O. Olofson; [Studien uber die Susswasserfauna Spitzbergens]. Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala (Zool.Bidrag,Uppsala) 6, 1917

Ref ID : 5344

A. Parise; [Sur les genres Keratella, Synchaeta, Polyarthra et Filinia d'un lac italien]. Hydrobiol. 18:121-135, 1961

Ref ID : 5345

L.K. Pawlowski; [Drilophaga bucephalus Vejdovsky, ein parasitisches Radertier]. Mem.Acad.Polon.B.Sc.Natur. 6, 1934

Ref ID : 5346

L.K. Pawlowski; [Beitrage zur Anatomie und Biologie von Drilophaga delagei de Beauchamp]. Archiw.Hydrob.Ryb. 4, 1935

Ref ID : 5347

L.K. Pawlowski; [Observations biologiques sur les Sangsues]. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz 6, 1955

Ref ID : 5348

L.K. Pawlowski; [Premiere liste des Rotiferes trouves dans la riviere Grabia]. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz 7, 1956

Ref ID : 5349

L.K. Pawlowski; [Rotiferes nouveaux et rares parmi la faune de la Pologne]. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz 11, 1960

Ref ID : 5350

F. Pax; [Die Grenzen tierischen Lebens in mitteleuropaischen Thermen]. Zool.Anz. 147, 1951

Ref ID : 5351

Birger Pejler; Morphological studies in the genera Notholca, Kellicottia and Keratella. Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala (Zool.Bidrag,Uppsala) 33, 1962

Ref ID : 5352

Eugene Penard; [A propos de Rotiferes]. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 22, 1914

Ref ID : 5353

Josef Hauer; [Uber einige im Stromgebiet des Amazonas neu entdeckte Radertiere]. Beitrage zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Sudwestdeutshland (Beitr.naturk.Forsh.SW-Deutschl.) 24(1):41-46, 1965

Ref ID : 5354

H.S. Jennings; A list of the Rotatoria of the Great Lakes and some of the inland lakes of Michigan. Bill.Michigan Fish Comm.,Lansing 3, 1894

Ref ID : 5355

W. Junk; [Untersuchungen zur Okologie und Produktionsbiologie der "Schwimmenden Wiesen" (Paspalo-Echinochloetum) am mittl. Amazonas, Part I: Die schwimmende Vegetation und ihre Okologie]. AMAZONIANA II:449-495, 1970

Ref ID : 5356

W. Junk; Investigations on the Ecology and Production-Biology of the "Floating Meadows" (Paspalo-Echinochloetum) on the Middle Amazon, Part II. The Aquatic Fauna in the Root Zone of Floating Vegetation. AMAZONIANA IV(1):9-102, 1973

Ref ID : 5357

Walter Koste; [Das moorbewohnende Radertier Tetrasiphon]. Mikrokosmos 57(11):334-337, 1968

Ref ID : 5358

Walter Koste; [Uber ein sessiles Radertier aus Amazonien, Floscularia noodti sp. n.] (A sessile rotifer in Amazonia, Floscularia noodti sp. n.). Arch.Hydrobiol. 70(4):534-540, 1972

Ref ID : 5359

Walter Koste; [Ein Radertier des Hochmoores: Monommata arndti]. Mikrokosmos 61(9):269-273, 1972

Ref ID : 5360

Lyudmila Kutikova; [Radertiere der Fauna der USSR]. Best.Bucher zur Fauna der USSR 104:1-744, 1970

Ref ID : 5361

Frank J. Myers; The Distribution of Rotifera on Mount Desert Island. Part V. Amer.Mus.Novitates 700:1-16, 1934

Ref ID : 5362

H. Sioli; [Das Wasser im Amazonasgebiet]. Forsh.Fortschr. 26:274-280, 1950

Ref ID : 5363

L. Hickernell; A Study of desiccation in the Rotifer, Philodina roseola, with special reference to cytological changes accompanying desiccation. Biol.Bull. 32:343-397, 1917

Ref ID : 5364

L.A. Kutikova; [Rotifera]. USSR Academy of Science :1-222, 1985

Ref ID : 5365

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M.F. Mare; A study of a marine benthic community with special reference to the micro-organisms. J.Mar.Biol.Assoc. 25, 1942

Ref ID : 5370

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Ref ID : 5371

G. Steiner; [Freilebende Nematoden aus der Barent-See]. Zool.Jahrb.Syst. 39:511-676, 1916

Ref ID : 5372

H.C. Arora; On a collection of Rotifera from Nagpur, India with four new species. Hydrobiol. 26:444-456, 1965

Ref ID : 5373

H.C. Arora; On species of some genera of the family Brachionidae, subfamily Brachioniae from India. Arch.Hydrobiol. 61(4):482-493, 1966

Ref ID : 5374

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Ref ID : 5376

Josef Hauer; [Rotatorien aus dem "Zwischengebiet Wallacea"]. Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol.Hydrogr. 41:177-203, 1941

Ref ID : 5377

Anne Johnson; The Microflora of the University of Singapore Pond. J.Sing.Nat.Acad.Sci. 3(3):241-252, 1973

Ref ID : 5378

Anne Johnson; The Microfauna of the University of Singapore Pond. J.Sing.Nat.Acad.Sci. 4(3):100-105, 1975

Ref ID : 5379

R.G. Michael; A new rotifer Conochilus madurai sp. nov. from an astatic pool in Madurai, South India. Zool.Anz. :439-441, 1966

Ref ID : 5380

R.G. Michael; Rotatoria, in a guide to the study of freshwater organisms. J.Madurai Univ.Suppl. 1:23-36, 1973

Ref ID : 5381

C.K.G. Nayar; Cyclomorphosis of Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas. Hydrobiologia 25:538-544, 1965

Ref ID : 5382

C.K.G. Nayar; Taxonomic notes on the Indian species of Keratella (Rotifera). Hydrobiologia 26:457-462, 1965

Ref ID : 5383

C.K.G. Nayar and K.K.N. Nair; A collection of rotifers from Kerala. Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(Anim.Sci.) 69(4):223-233, 1969

Ref ID : 5384

S.M.K. Pasha; On a collection of freshwater Rotifers from Madras. J.Zool.Soc.India 13(1):50-55, 1961

Ref ID : 5385

M. Rajendran; On a new species of Conochilus Rousselet (Rotifera, Monogononta, Conochilidae) from Madurai, S.India, with a key to the known species of the genus. Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(Anim.Sci.) 73B:8-14, 1971

Ref ID : 5386

Letha Karunakaran and Anne Johnson; A contribution to the Rotifer Fauna of Singapore and Malaysia. The Malayan Nature Journal :173-208, 1980?

Ref ID : 5387

R. Lucks; [VIII. Die Cladoceren, Copepoden und Rotatorien des Mariensees]. Bericht des Westpreussischen Botanisch-Zoologischen Vereins.(Ber.d.Wpr.Bot.-Zool.Vereins.) 53:1-71, 1930 (In file)

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