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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 1400-1499)

Ref ID : 1400

A. Karabin; Pelagic zooplankton (Rotatoria + Crustacea) variation in the process of lake eutrophication. I. Structural and quantitative features. Pol.J.Ecology 33:567-616, 1985

Ref ID : 1401

Wilfried Schonborn; [Studien uber die Testaceenbesiedlung der Seen und Tumpel des Abisko-Gebietes (Schwedish-Lappland)]. Hydrobiologia 46(1):115-139, 1975

Ref ID : 1402

A. Nauwerk; Notes on the planktonic rotifers of Lake Ontario. Arch.Hydrobiol. 84:269-301, 1978

Ref ID : 1403

Missing number.

Ref ID : 1404

Richard S. Stemberger and John J. Gilbert; Spine development in the rotifer Keratella cochlearis; induction by cyclopoid copepods and Asplanchna. Freshwater Biology 14:639-647, 1984

Ref ID : 1405

Javier Armengol-Diaz, Angeles Esparcia, Eduardo Vicente, and Maria Rosa Miracle; Vertical distribution of planktonic rotifers in a karstic meromictic lake. Hydrobiologia 255/256:381-388, 1993

Ref ID : 1406

Manuel Serra and Maria Jose Carmona; Mixis strategies and resting egg production of rotifers living in temporally-varying habitats. Hydrobiologia 255/256:117-126, 1993

Ref ID : 1407

P. Carrillo, L. Cruz-Pizarro, and R. Morales-Baquero; Empirical evidence for a complex diurnal movement in Hexarthra bulgarica from an oligotrophic mountain lake (La Caldera, Spine). Hydrobiologia 186/187:381-388, 1989

Ref ID : 1408

P. Carrillo, L. Cruz-Pizarro, and P. Sanchez-Castillo; Analysis of phytoplankton-zooplankton relationships in an oligotrophic lake under natural and manipulated conditions. Hydrobiologia 200/201:49-58, 1990

Ref ID : 1409

P. Carrillo, P. Sanchez-Castillo, and L. Cruz-Pizarro; Coincident zooplankton and phytoplankton diel migration in a high mountain lake (La Caldera, Sierra Nevada, Spain). Arch.Hydrobiol. 122:57-67, 1991

Ref ID : 1410

L. Cruz-Pizarro; Comparative vertical zonation and diurnal migration among Crustacea and Rotifera in the small high mountain lake La Caldera (Granada, Spine). 20:1026-1032, 1978

Ref ID : 1411

Missing number.

Ref ID : 1412

R. Morales-Baquero; Rotifer fauna of lakes and ponds over 2500 m a.s.l. in the Sierra Nevada, Spain, with description of a new subspecies. Hydrobiologia 147:97-101, 1987

Ref ID : 1413

R. Morales-Baquero, P. Carrillo, and L. Cruz-Pizarro; Patterns in the composition of the rotifer communities from high mountain lakes and ponds in Sierra Nevada (Spain). Hydrobiologia 186/187:215-221, 1989

Ref ID : 1414

Agnes Ruttner-Kolisko; The influence of fluctuating temperature on plankton rotifers. A graphical model based on life data of Hexarthra fennica from Neusiedlersee, Austria. Symp.Biol.Hung. 15:197-204, 1975 (In file)

Ref ID : 1415

A. Saunders-Davies; Factors affecting the distribution of benthic and littoral rotifers in a large marine lagoon, together with the description of a new species. Hydrobiologia 313/314:69-74, 1995

Ref ID : 1416

Ulrike Peters, Walter Koste, and Wilfried Westheide; A quantitative method to extract moss-dwelling rotifers. Hydrobiologia 255/256:339-341, 1993

Ref ID : 1417

Walter Koste, Russell J. Shiel, and M.A. Brock; Rotifera from Western Australian wetlands with descriptions of two new species. Hydrobiologia 104:9-17, 1983

Ref ID : 1418

Paul N. Turner; Some interstitial rotifers from a Florida, U.S.A. beach. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 109:417-442, 1990

Ref ID : 1419

Eric D. Hollowday; A preliminary report on the Plymouth marine and brackish water rotifera. J.mar.biol.Ass.U.K. 28:239-253, 1949 (In file)

Ref ID : 1420

Nandini Iyer and T. Ramakrishna Rao; Epizoic mode of life in Brachionus rubens Ehrenberg as a deterrent against predation by Asplanchna intermedia Hudson. Hydrobiologia 313/314:377-380, 1995

Ref ID : 1421

Nandini Iyer and T. Ramakrishna Rao; Effect of the epizoic rotifer Brachionus rubens on the population growth of three cladoceran species. Hydrobiologia 255/256:325-332, 1993

Ref ID : 1422

L.K. Matveeva; Interrelations of rotifers with predatory and herbivorous Cladocera: A review of Russian works. Hydrobiologia 186/187:69-74, 1989

Ref ID : 1423

D.W. Schneider; Direct assessment of the independent effects of exploitative and interference competition between Daphnia and rotifers. Limnol.Oceanogr. 35:916-922, 1990

Ref ID : 1424

M. Yufera and N. Navarro; Population growth dynamics of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis cultured in non-limiting food condition. Hydrobiologia 313/314:399-405, 1995

Ref ID : 1425

F.J. Gatesoupe and P. Luquet; Practical diet for mass culture of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis: application to larval rearing of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Aquaculture 22:149-163, 1981

Ref ID : 1426

F.J. Gatesoupe and J.H. Robin; Commercial single-cell proteins either as sole food source or in formulated diets for intensive and continuous production of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis). Aquaculture 25:1-15, 1981

Ref ID : 1427

M. Yufera; Morphometoric characterization of a small-sized strain of Brachionus plicatilis in culture. Aquaculture 27:56-61, 1982

Ref ID : 1428

M. Yufera, E. Pascual, and J. Guinea; Factors influencing the biomass of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in culture. Hydrobiologia 255/256:159-164, 1993

Ref ID : 1429

Aydin Orstan; Desiccation survival of the eggs of the rotifer Adineta vaga (Davis, 1873). Hydrobiologia 313/314:373-375, 1995

Ref ID : 1430

M.H. Jacobs; The effects of desiccation on the rotifer Philodina roseola. J.Exp.Zool. 6:207-263, 1909

Ref ID : 1431

Aydin Orstan; Toxicity of acrylamide derivatives to embryos of the rotifer Adineta vaga. Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 48:901-906, 1992

Ref ID : 1432

Claudia Ricci; Growth pattern of four strains of a Bdelloid rotifer species: egg size and numbers. Hydrobiologia 313/314:157-163, 1995

Ref ID : 1433

C.P.J. Ash and D.L. Lee; Lead, Cadmium, Copper and Iron in Earthworms from Roadside Sites. Environmental Pollution 22:59-67, 1980

Ref ID : 1434

A.I. Lansing; A nongenic factor in the longevity of rotifers. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 57:455-464, 1954

Ref ID : 1435

L.J. Lebedeva and T.N. Gerasimova; Peculiarities of Philodina roseola (Ehrbg.) (Rotatoria, Bdelloidea)-Growth and reproduction under various temperature conditions. Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 70:509-525, 1985

Ref ID : 1436

Charles E. King; Experimental studies of aging in rotifers. Exp.Gerontol. 4:63-79, 1969

Ref ID : 1437

Manuela Pagani, Claudia Ricci, and A.M. Bolzern; Comparison of five strains of a parthenogenetic species, Macrotrachela quadricornifera (Rotifera, Bdelloidea). I. Life histroy traits. Hydrobiologia 211:157- 163, 1991

Ref ID : 1438

H. Pauli; A new method to estimate individual dry weights of rotifers. Hydrobiologia 186/187:355-361, 1989

Ref ID : 1439

Agnes Ruttner-Kolisko; Suggestions for biomass calculation of planktonic rotifers. Arch.Hydrobiol. 8:71-76, 1977

Ref ID : 1440

Juta Haberman; Dominant rotifers of Vortsjarv (Estonia). Hydrobiologia 313/314:313-317, 1995

Ref ID : 1441

Juta Haberman; Comparative analysis of plankton rotifer biomass in large Estonian lakes. Hydrobiologia 104:293-296, 1983

Ref ID : 1442

B. Koch-Althaus; [Systematische und ologische Studien an Rotatoria des Stechlinsees]. Limnologia 1:375-456, 1963

Ref ID : 1443

Taavi Virro and Juta Haberman; The rotifers of Lake Peipus. Hydrobiologia 255/256:389-396, 1993

Ref ID : 1444

John J. Gilbert and Dorothee K. Schreiber; Induction of diapausing amictic eggs in Synchaeta pectinata. Hydrobiologia 313/314:345-350, 1995

Ref ID : 1445

Richard S. Stemberger; A general approach to the culture of planktonic rotifers. Can.J.Fish Aquat.Sci. 38:721-724, 1981

Ref ID : 1446

Christian D. Jersabek; Distribution and ecology of rotifer communities in high-altitude alpine sites-a multivariate approach. Hydrobiologia 313/314:75-89, 1995

Ref ID : 1447

R. Chengalath and Walter Koste; Compostion and distributional patterns in arctic rotifers. Hydrobiologia 186/187:191-200, 1989

Ref ID : 1448

M. Coussement and Henri J. Dumont; Some peculiar elements in the rotifer fauna of the atlantic Sahara and of the Atlas Mountains. Hydrobiologia 73:249-254, 1980

Ref ID : 1449

L. Cruz-Pizarro and R. Morales; Taxonomic and ecological notes on Hexarthra bulgarica from high mountain lakes and ponds in the Sierra Nevada (Spain). Hydrobiologia 147:91-95, 1987

Ref ID : 1450

Birger Pejler; On the taxonomy and ecology of benthic and periphytic rotatoria. Investigations in northern Swedish Lapland. Zool.Bidr.,Upps. 33:327-422, 1962 (In file)

Ref ID : 1451

Rosalind M. Pontin and John M. Langley; The use of rotifer communities to provide a preliminary national classification of small water bodies in England. Hydrobiologia 255/256:411-419, 1993

Ref ID : 1452

Galina A. Galkovskaya; Oxygen consumption rate in rotifers. Hydrobiologia 313/314:147-156, 1995

Ref ID : 1453

Bruno Berzins and Birger Pejler; Rotifer occurrence in relation to oxygen content. Hydrobiologia 183:165-172, 1989

Ref ID : 1454

M. Doohan; An energy budget for adult Brachionus plicatilis Muller (Rotatoria). Oecologia (Berlin) 13:351-362, 1973

Ref ID : 1455

Hildegard E. Enesco and D.F. Mahoney; Age related decrease in nuclear and nuceolar size in hypodermal cells of the rotifer. Exp.Gerontol. 16:41- 45, 1981

Ref ID : 1456

Angeles Esparcia, Manuel Serra, and Maria Rosa Miracle; Relationships between oxygen concentration and patterns of energy metabolism in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Comp.Biochem.Physiol.B. 103:357-362, 1992

Ref ID : 1457

Galina A. Galkovskaya; Planktonic rotifers and temperature. Hydrobiologia 147:307-317, 1987

Ref ID : 1458

Hirata Hachiro and Yamasaki Shigehisa; Effect of feeding on the respiration rate of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Hydrobiologia 147:283-288, 1987

Ref ID : 1459

Philip A. Jones and John J. Gilbert; Polymorphism and Polyploidy in the Rotifer Asplanchna sieboldi: Relative Nuclear DNA contents in Tissues of Saccate and Campanulate Females. J.Exp.Zool. 201(2):163-168, 1977

Ref ID : 1460

Maria Rosa Miracle and Eduardo Vicente; Vertical distribution and rotifer concentrations in the chemocline of meromictic lakes. Hydrobiologia 104:259-267, 1983

Ref ID : 1461

K.W. Opalinski and R.Z. Klekowski; Oxygen consumption in Macrotrachela musculosa and Trichotria truncata (Rotatoria) from the High Arctic. Polar Research 7:133-137, 1989

Ref ID : 1462

J. Pilaska; Eco-physiological studies on Brachionus rubens Ehrbg. (Rotatoria). II. Production and respiration. Pol.Arch.Hydrobiol. 24:329-241, 1977

Ref ID : 1463

A.P. Scott and S.M. Baynes; Effect of algal diet and temperature on the biochemical composition of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Aquaculture 14:247-260, 1978

Ref ID : 1464

Missing number.

Ref ID : 1465

Missing number.

Ref ID : 1466

Birger Pejler; Relation to habitat in rotifers. Hydrobiologia 313/314:267-278, 1995

Ref ID : 1467

Bruno Berzins; [Eine Mikrobenthosstudie an Rotatorien]. Hydrobiologia 40:447-452, 1972

Ref ID : 1468

Bruno Berzins and Birger Pejler; Rotifer occurrence and trophic degree. Hydrobiologia 182:171-180, 1989

Ref ID : 1469

C.K. Brain and Walter Koste; Rotifers of the genus Proales from saline springs in the Namib desert, with the description of a new species. Hydrobiologia 255/256:449-454, 1993

Ref ID : 1470

H.J.G. Dartnall; Rotifers of the Antarctic and Subantarctic. Hydrobiologia 104:57-60, 1983

Ref ID : 1471

M. De Ridder; [Recherches sur les Rotiferes des eaux saumatres de la Lorraine orientale]. Hydrobiologia 32:340-382, 1968

Ref ID : 1472

W.H. De Smet, E.A. Van Rompu, and L. Beyens; Contribution to the rotifer fauna of subarctic Greenland (Kangerlussaq and Ammassalik area). Hydrobiologia 255/256:463-466, 1993

Ref ID : 1473

Josef Donner; [Die Rotatorien-Synusien submerser Makrophyten der Donau bei Wien und mehrerer Alpenbache]. Arch.Hydrobiol/suppl. 27(3):227-324, 1964

Ref ID : 1474

Josef Donner; [Die Radertierbestande submerser Moose und weiterer Merotope im Bereich der Stauraume der Donau an der deutsch-osterreichischen Landesgrenze]. Arch.Hydrobiol/suppl. 44:49-114, 1972

Ref ID : 1475

Robert W. Epp and P.W. Winston; The effect of salinity and pH on the activity and oxygen consumption of Brachionus plicatilis. Comp.Biochem.Physiol.A. 59:9-12, 1978

Ref ID : 1476

Angeles Esparcia, Maria Rosa Miracle, and Manuel Serra; Brachionus plicatilis tolerance to low oxygen concentrations. Hydrobiologia 186/187:331-337, 1989

Ref ID : 1477

John J. Gilbert; Rotifer Ecology and Embryological Induction. Science 151(3715):1234-1237, 1966

Ref ID : 1478

John J. Gilbert; Effect of tocopherol on the growth and development of rotifers. Amer.J.clin.nutr. 27:1005-1016, 1974

Ref ID : 1479

J. Green; Dwarfing of rotifers in Australian crater lakes. Arch.Hydrobiol.Beih. 8:232-236, 1977

Ref ID : 1480

J. Green; Associations of rotifers in Australian crater lakes. J.Zool.,Lond. 193:469-486, 1981

Ref ID : 1481

J. Green; Zooplankton associations in some Ethiopian crater lakes. Freshwater Biology 16:495-499, 1986

Ref ID : 1482

J. Green; Diversity and dominance in planktonic rotifers. Hydrobiologia 255/256:345-352, 1993

Ref ID : 1483

J. Green and H. Kramadibrata; A note on Lake Goang, an unusual acid lake in Flores, Indonesia. Freshwater Biology 20:195-198, 1988

Ref ID : 1484

J. Green and S. Mengestou; Specific diversity and community structure of Rotifera in a salinity series of Ethiopian inland water. Hydrobiologia 209:95-106, 1991

Ref ID : 1485

Udo Halbach; [Zum Adaptivwert der zyklomorphen Dornenbildung von Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas (Rotatoria). I. Rauber-Beute-Beziehung in Kurzzeit-Versuchen]. Oecologia (Berlin) 6:267-288, 1971

Ref ID : 1486

Udo Halbach; [Das Radertier Asplanchna-ein ideales Untersuchungsobjekt. III. Ein Rauber liefert seiner Beute die Abwehrwaffen]. Mikrokosmos 1971:360-365, 1971

Ref ID : 1487

J. Hauer; [Zur Kenntnis subterraner Rotatorien]. Zool.Anz. 126:41-44, 1939 (In file)

Ref ID : 1488

Eric D. Hollowday; Cephalodella edax. sp. nov. A rotifer parasitic in the motile colonial alga Uroglena volvox Ehrenberg. Hydrobiologia 255/256:445-448, 1993

Ref ID : 1489

G. Kertesz; The rotifers of the periodical waters of Farmos. Acta zool.acad sci.Hung. 2:339-358, 1956 (In file)

Ref ID : 1490

Volker Klement; [Zur Rotatorienfauna ephemerer Gewasser]. Jh.Ver.vaterl.Naturkde Wurttemberg 115:337-349, 1960 (In file)

Ref ID : 1491

H. Klimowicz; Rotifers of astatic waters. Part II. Rotifers of small water bodies from the Mikolajki region. Pol.Arch.Hydrobiol. 14:91-110, 1967

Ref ID : 1492

H. Klimowicz; Rotifers of the near bottom zone of Lakes Mikolajskie and Taltowisko. Pol.Arch.Hydrobiol. 19:167-178, 1972

Ref ID : 1493

A. Maemets; Rotifers as indicators of lake types in Estonia. Hydrobiologia 104:357-361, 1983

Ref ID : 1494

J. De Manuel and J. Armengol; Rotifer assemblages: a contribution to the typology of Spanish reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 255/256:421-428, 1993

Ref ID : 1495

Linda May; Epizoic and parasitic rotifers. Hydrobiologia 186/187:59-67, 1989

Ref ID : 1496

Narciso Mazuelos, Julia Toja, and Castor Guisande; Rotifers in ephemeral ponds of Donana National Park. Hydrobiologia 255/256:429-434, 1993

Ref ID : 1497

B.E. Modenutti and M.C. Claps; Monogononta rotifers from plankton and periphyton of Pampasic lotic environments (Argentina). Limnologia 19:167-175, 1988

Ref ID : 1498

Robert Kennie Peck; Fine structure, morphogenesis and interrelationships within representatives of three ciliated protozoan genera. 1-304, 1971

Ref ID : 1499

Thomas Nogrady and J.P. Smol; Rotifers from high arctic ponds (Cape Herschel, Ellesmere Island, N.W.T). Hydrobiologia 173:231-242, 1989