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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1446

Christian D. Jersabek; Distribution and ecology of rotifer communities in high-altitude alpine sites-a multivariate approach. Hydrobiologia 313/314:75-89, 1995


In File


The distribution and ecology of benthic, periphytic and planktonic rotifers were investigated in a wide range of alpine waterbodies in Austria. A total of 162 substrate classified samples was taken at 60 sampling sites situated between 1824 m and 2753 m a.s.l. in the Central Alps (predominantly gneiss) and between 1290 m and 1643 m a.s.l. in the Northeastern Calcareous Alps. Multivariate analysis allowed the recognition of distinct sampling site groups. Different groups of taxa were identified on the basis of their total frequencies of occurrence and frequency of co-occurrence. Several species were shown to have distributions restricted to particular groups of habitats. Habitat complexity, as indicated by taxon diversity and density of submersed vegetation, pH, conductivity, and temperature seem to be the principal components affecting community composition and distribution of single species in alpine waterbodies. Highest were measured in limestone solution lakes and acid bog ponds on primary bedrock.