National Institute for Environmental Studies
The fourth five-year plan(2016-2020)/ Health and Environmental Safety Research Program

Project 8

Research project on risk assessment and management framework

Overview of Project 8

Sound management framework to manage the risks posed by environmental chemicals to human health and the environment can be established by integrating the social context, public concern, and the accumulated social and natural scientific knowledge. The aim of this inter-disciplinary project is to develop a robust framework for the management of environmental chemicals that reflects both the social context and the latest outcomes from Projects 1 to 7. To achieve this aim, the project is developing risk assessment and management strategies that are acceptable to the public and incorporate the latest scientific information regarding the impact of environmental chemicals on human health and environment. The project is also developing an ecological management framework based on the comprehensive characterization of ecotoxicity by using newly developed system of testing protocols; environmental management of coastal, oceanic, atmospheric, and aquatic pollution that will incorporate new technologies as they become available; and a management approach that incorporates comprehensive monitoring methodologies to assess new chemicals as they arise from technological development. Those discussions need to be based on wide range of scientific disciplines covering natural sciences, social sciences and engineering and technology. We aim that Project 8 works to summarize scientific outcomes of all Projects into the context of sound chemical management in the society.

PJ8 Members

Project leader: Noriyuki Suzuki (Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research)
Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research
 Eiko Koike, Shoji Nakayama, Shin Yamazaki, Hiroyuki Yokomizo, Daisuke Nakajima, Yoshitaka Imaizumi,
 Takeo Sakurai, Koichi Ohno, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Akiko Furuyama, Umezu Toyoshi,
 Yosuke Koyama, Seishiro Hirano*, Michi Matsumoto*, Norihisa Tatarazako*, Hideko Sone*
Center for Regional Environmental Research
 Akinori Takami, Kazuaki Syutsubo
Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research
 Keisuke Matsuhashi
Fukushima Branch
 Yosuke Koyama
(*: Researcher who belonged to the past)


PJ8 Sub-study

  • PJ8 works on selected topics on risk management framework. Now we set major focus on the re-consideration of precautionary approach in chemical risk management, in addition to the temporal topics including QSAR methodology based on read-across approach. The additional topics will be selected each year according to the progress of the Program.