100-member ensemble simulation output from NIES Chemistry-Climate Models to investigate the effect of unregulated HFC increase on the ozone layer

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To investigate the effect of unregulated HFC abundance increases on ozone and temperature at the end of the 21st Century, 110-year continuous Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) runs were performed, under the RCP2.6 and the WMO-A1 scenarios for greenhouse gases (GHGs) and ozone depleting substances (ODSs) concentrations, respectively, for 2095. Two scenarios were designed by specifying the projected upper- and lower-limit HFC concentrations at the end of this century. The datasets are ozone concentration, air density, temperature, wind speeds, and several other dynamical quantities obtained in these simulations. Output from the last 100 years of the 110-year calculation are stored as a 100 member ensemble.


Release date
Temporal coverage
2011/01/01 - 2110/12/31
Data provider
Email: cgerdb_admin(at)nies.go.jp
File format
gtool (binary)
Data volume
733 GB
ver.1.0 (Last updated: 2021/08/06)

Data Set

Ozone concentration, zonal wind speed, temperature, residual circulation, EP-flux
Time resolution
1 day
Horizontal resolution
2.8° x 2.8° (T42)
Vertical resolution
1-3 km
Calculation method
110-year continuous Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) runs were performd under the greenhouse gases (GHGs) and ozone depleting substances (ODSs) concentrations for the year 2095 on the RCP2.6 and the WMO-A1 scenarios, respectively, by specifing HFC concentrations to the low and high limits expected around the end of this century. Sea surface temperature and sea ice area were given by a 10 year average for 2090-2099 of the output from an atompshere-ocean coupled general circulation model (GCM) that was run on the RCP2.6 scenario.
How to use
  • See the top directory named as "100-ens_HFC_ver.1.0".
  • Under the directory, there are two directories "MIROC3.2" and "MIROC5". The output from these models are stored under these directories.
  • Under the model directories, there are three tar.bz2 files, whose name indicate the three experiments, ControlRun, HighHFC, and LowHFC.
    • ControlRun: HFC concentrations are set to zero.
    • HighHFC: HFC concentrations are assumed to be an upper limit for the end of this century in the case of no HFC regulations.
    • LowHFC: HFC concentrations are assumed to be a lower limit for the end of this century in the case of no HFC regulations.
  • By extracting these files, you get 10 directories under these three directories, whose names indicate output items from the models.
    • T_P(temperature:3-dimensional data)
    • air_P(number density of the air :3D)
    • dobson(total ozone:2D, longitutde-latitude)
    • epfdiv(EP-flux divergence:2D, latitude-pressure)
    • epfy(y-component of EP-flux:2D, latitude-pressure)
    • epfz(z-component of EP-flux:2D, latitude-pressure)
    • u_P(zonal wnd speed:3D)
    • v_sta(meridional component of the residual circulation:2D, latitude-pressure)
    • w_sta(vertical component of the residual circulation:2D, latitude-pressure)
    • xo3_P(ozone volume mixing ratio:3D)
Under these dirctories, 100 ensemble data are stored. Each file is a binary file in gtool format for one year.
  • Gtool is a data analysis and visualization tool for geophysical science developed by GFD Dennou Club. The version "gtool3.5" was used for data processing. Note that the binary data are stored in the big endian.
  • The information of the model coordinates is found in the files "GTAXLOC.GLON128" (longitiutde information in the gtool format) or "GTAXLOC.GLON128.txt" (a file with text-style format read from "GTAXLOC.GLON128") and "GTAXLOC.GGLA64" (latitude information in the gtool format) or "GTAXLOC.GGLA64.txt" (a file with text-style format read from "GTAXLOC.GGLA64") in the top directory.
  • An example of Fortran code to read the 2-dimientional files (longitude-latitude) in the gtool format ("dobson", "T_50hPa", and "U_50hPa") is provided in the top directory as "read_2d_t42.f". "3dread.f" is a program for 3D data, but there is no information of the longitude, latitude, and pressure in it. See the coordinate information of GTAXLOC.GLON128.txt, GTAXLOC.GGLA64.txt, and GTAXLOC.GPL31.txt.
  • An example of code to read the 2-dimientional files (longitude-latitude) and 3-dimentional files in the gtool format by Python is provided in the top directory as "CCM_readmodel.py". Please read "ReadMe_Python_CCMreadmodel.pdf" for the use.
Other > Models > Climate Models
Atmosphere > Atmospheric Chemistry > Oxygen Compounds > Atmospheric Ozone
【Free keywords】
Ozone, HFCs, temperature, CCM, multi-ensemble experiment
Update history
Version 1.0 was released (ver.1.0)

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Hideharu Akiyoshi (2021), 100-member ensemble simulation output from NIES Chemistry-Climate Models to investigate the effect of unregulated HFC increase on the ozone layer, ver.x.x*1, NIES, DOI:10.17595/20210806.002, (Reference date*2: YYYY/MM/DD)
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