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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


  1. Asplanchna girodi
  2. Asplanchna sieboldi

1. Asplanchna girodi

[ref. ID; 754]

Test system


Asplanchna girodi was collected 19 July, 1977 in Golf Course Pond. Three malic enzyme genotypes S, H, and F. These rotifers were cultured in Pourriot-Gilbert (P-G) medium (Gilbert 1963) and fed Paramecium tetraurelia. The paramecia were cultured on Enterobacter aerogenes grown in Cerophyl medium (Sonnenborn 1950) at 28 degrees C.


The blue-greens Anabaena flos-aquae (Strain F-1) and Lyngbya sp. (Strain F-2) were isolated from Golf Course Pond near Tampa, Florida in July 1977.

Test design

A single mature female in 1 ml P-G medium with 2,300+/-100 paramecia in a 13x100 mm test tube. Tubes were placed on a shaker at 175 rpm in constant light (5,000 lux) at 28 degrees C for 72 hr.


Number of female.


Reproductive rate.

[ref. ID; 3329]

Test system

Over 120 days sublethal toxicity (behavioral toxicity, reproductive toxicity, and both behavioral and reproductive toxicity)


Pentachlorophenol (PCP).

Test design/concentrations

6 prey species (Brachionus calyciflorus, Keratella cochlearis, Philodina acuticornis, Lepadella patella, Trichocerca pusilla, and Plationus patulus) x 4 concentrations (0, 110, 190 and 330 mg/l).


Population growth rate (Gr); maximum population densities (Dmax); the percent of carrying capacity at Dmax (%K).

2. Asplanchna sieboldi

[ref. ID; 1973]

Test system

24 hr acute toxicity test (B. calyciflous (prey) and Asplanchna sieboldi (predator) interaction)


Originally isolated from Lake Chapultepec in Mexico city.


Methyl parathion.

Temperature & Light condition

25 degrees C. Continuous diffused fluorescent illumination.

Test design

25-ml capacity transparent vials containing 20 ml EPA medium. B. calyciflorus (food: Chlorella vulgaris (0.25x10E6 cells/ml)) treated in four ways as prey for Asplanchna viz. For food concentrations viz. 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ind./ml, 5 replicates (4 food types x 4 food densities x 5 replicates).


Population growth rate.



[ref. ID; 6088]

Test system

18-hr acute toxicity


From Professor G.W. Salt of the University of Califoria at Davis, asexual (amictic condition).


Ten crude oils (Norman Wells, Sweet Mixed Blend, Murban, Prudhoe Bay, Sour Blend Alberta, Bow River, Lloyd Minster, Lagomedio, Alberta, La Rosa).


22+/-1 degrees C.

Test design



Mortility, longevity, and total neonate production per generation.