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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

[ref. ID; 6563 (Ralph O. Brinkhurst, 1991)]

Family Phreodrilidae

Aquatic oligochaetes with dorsal chaetae from III, usually single hair chaetae with broad bases and paired lateral chaetae (beginning in II, IV, or V; single and sigmoid in one species, sometimes multiple and may be hispid or ornamented in others). The ventral chaetae are paired, often slightly dissimilar in length and thickness, often one bifid and one simple-pointed in each pair. The spermathecal chaetae may be modified. The gut with eversible pharyngeal roof and pharyngeal glands (at least in Phreodriloides), but these may be missing in some taxa. The testes are in XI, ovaries in XIII. The sperm sacs lie anterior to XI, the egg sac posterior to XII. The male pores are in XII, the female pores in the 12/13 intersegmental furrow or open into vestibulae along with the spermathecal pores in XIII. The reproductive segments may be shifted forwards in some taxa. The gonoducts are paired. The atria lack separate prostate glands, but the epithelial lining is thick, leaving very little lumen. The vasa deferentia usually open into the base of the atria or even into the efferent canals or ejaculatory ducts. Pendant or eversible penes are usually present, cuticular penis sheaths are found in one species. The spemathecal ducts are notable in that the lumen is very narrow, and they are valve-like structures (sperm traps) on them. Gills are present one species. The family is restricted to the southern hemisphere plus Sri Lanka. Species are fonund on all the major southern land masses and also most of the often isolated islands.

Subfamily Phreodrilinae (original paper)

Phreodrilidae with dorsal spermathecal pores.


Antarctodrilus, Phreodrilus

Subfamily Phreodriloidinae (original paper)

Phreodrilidae with ventral spermathecal pores (Paraphyletic.).


Astacopsidrilus, Insulodrilus, Phreodriloides, Schizodrilus