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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 945

Johanna Laybourn; Respiratory energy losses in the protozoan predator Didinium nasutum Muller (Ciliophora). Oecologia (Berlin) 27:305-309, 1977


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Respiration in Didinium nasutum, an active protozoan predator, was investigated in relation to cell weight at 10, 15, and 20 degrees C by means of cartesian diver microrespirometry. Oxygen uptake increased progressively over the 10-20 degrees C temperature range; a table of Q10 related to weight is presented. Regression coefficients of log weight versus log oxygen uptake (b) were 0.96 at 10 degrees C, 0.98 at 15 degrees C and 1.00 at 20 degrees C. D. nasutum was shown to expend very much higher levels of respiratory energy than a mainly sedentary carnivorous ciliate of comparable weight.