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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 914

Kusuoka, Y. and Watanabe Yoshiya; Growth and survival of peritrich ciliates in an urban stream. Oecologia (Berlin) 73:16-20, 1987


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A computerized system was devised to trace the attachment, growth and disappearance of peritrich ciliates in an urban river. By tracing the development of each Carchesium polypinum colony in the river, it was possible to estimate the actual growth rate of this species without considering the effect of immigration. The survival and colonization rates of the colonies and individuals of solitary species could also be estimated. C. polypinum showed high rates (r=1.370 day-1, doubling time 12.14 hr). The number of daily colonizers also increased at a high rate, and the combination of growth and colonization caused very high population increase rates at the area level. Because of its low survivorship, the rate of Vorticella microstoma increase was much lower than previously reported. The survival of solitary species and small colonies was lower than with large colonies, and fewer new colonizers survived with the development of the attached microbial community.