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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 847

Kurihara Yasushi, Inamori Yuhei, and Tsuchiya Makoto; [Study of the artificial brackish lagoon. 1 -Ecological character of the brackish polychaetes, Neanthes japonica as a sludge feeder-]. J.Japan Sewage Works Association 17(191):37-44, 1980


In File


The effects of the environmental factors on the nereid Neanthes japonica which inhabit brackish tidal flat were studied in the laboratory to find out the design criteria of the artificial lagoon. The nereid worms took a large amount of activated sludge discharged by sewage treatment plants and egested well-formed fecal pellets. The nereids were able to survive in a wide range of chlorinity from 0.5 to 18.0 0/00 and they could feed in the range to temperature from about 6 to 30 degrees C. The amount of food intake, the food conversion efficiency and the rate of body weight gain declines with increasing population density. Feeding activity was closely related with dissolved oxygen concentration, decreasing markedly unless the dissolved oxygen was maintained at more than 3 mg/l.