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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 833

B.B. Jana and G.P. Pal; The life history parameters of Moina micrura (Kurz.) Grown in different culturing media. Water Research 19(7):863-867, 1985


In File


Some life history parameters of Moina micrura were derived from culture tube experiments with media comprising mohua oil cake, mustard oil cake, cow dung, poultry waste and rice bran as well as pond water. First reproduction time (A) did not differ from one medium to another (3-4 days). Longevity (W) was maximal (19 days) in mohua oil cake and minimal (9 days) in both mustard oil cake and rice bran media. Total offspring production per lifespan (S), ranging from 0.65 to 51.4, was directly dependent upon the lifespan of the test animal. The reproduction peak (T) in these culture media ranged from 3 to 13 days. The intrinsic (r) and finite rates (er) of natural increase were larger for cow dung than for other media.