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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 773

John J. Gilbert and Elizabeth S. Wurdak; Species-specific morphology of resting eggs in the rotifer Asplanchna. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 97(3):330-339, 1978


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The outer surface of the resting eggs of A. sieboldi Leydig, A. intermedia Hudson, A. girodi de Guerne, and A. brightwelli Gosse are distinctly different from one another, at both light and scanning electron microscope levels. This specificity in shell morphology clarifies the taxonomic relationships of these forms. The decomposition-resistant resting eggs of Asplanchna and other rotifers can be identified in lake sediments and in digestive systems of predators, permitting analyses at the species-level of ancient lacustrine rotifer communities and of selectivity on the part of rotifer predators.