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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 761

F. Garreau, C. Rougier, and Roger Pourriot; [Resource exploitation by the planktonic predator Asplanchna girodi De Guerne 1888 (Rotifera) in a sand-pit lake]. Arch.Hydrobiol. 112(1):91-106, 1988


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Several methods (occurrence, numerical, electivity indices) are used for interpreting the results of stomach contents analysis in Asplanchna girodi. All of them lead to similar conclusions: when a choice is offered, this predator shows a preference for small species of Brachionoidae and, when lacking, for young Bosmina. In the range of ingested prey size (50 to 320 um), the suppression of predation exerted by A. girodi depends on the prey sizes but also on the capacity of the preys to escape to the capture and on their abundance.