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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 705

Robert Lee Wallace; Distribution of sessile rotifers in an acid bog Pond. Arch.Hydrobiol. 79(4):478-505, 1977


In File


Seventeen species of sessile rotifers were found in a bog pond in westcentral New Hampshire, U.S.A. Data concerning the seasonal occurrence of five species are presented. Sexual individuals were seen for only three species. Thirteen species were found frequently enough to make quantitative statements concerning their substrate distribution. Three major categories of substrates were observed for these species: macrophytes, epiphytic algae, and the tube of another sessile rotifer. Three species of Utricularia (U. gibba, U. purpurea, and U. vulgaris) were the most highly colonized of those macrophytes examined. Several rotifer species were completely or nearly completely limited to one of the three major substrate categories. Species were separated into eight groups according to similarities in their substrate distribution. The adaptive significance of some of the substrate distributions observed are discussed.