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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 682

Ramesh D. Gulati, J. Rooth, and Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin; A laboratory study of feeding and assimilation in Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana. Hydrobiologia 147:289-296, 1987


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Feeding of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana, a brachionid rotifer isolated from the Loosdrecht lakes (The Netherlands), was examined in the laboratory using [14]C-labelled food. The gut-filling time at a food concentration of 9.6 ugC/ml was about 15 minutes. Animals which were fed on 3 size fractions of the lake seston (under 7 um, 7-15 um, and 15-33 um) showed a clear preference (Jacobs' selective index) for the largest size fraction. This fraction was composed predominantly on filamentous cyanobacteria. For animals weighting 0.37-0.49 ugC/ind. the daily ration (daily food consumption per unit body weight x100) ranged from 50 to 100% at food levels of 2 mgC/l and below, but increased to 150-250% at food concentrations of 5 mgC/l and above. The assimilation efficiency was 100% up to 5 mgC/l of food, but decreased to about 80% at higher food levels.