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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 679

Walter Koste; On two planktonic rotifers, Filinia australiensis n. sp. and Filinia hofmanni n. sp. with remarks on the taxonomy of the longiseta-terminalis group. Genus Filinia. Arch.Hydrobiol. 90(2):230-256, 1980


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Plankton samples collected by R.J. Shiel (Zoological Department University of Adelaide, S. Australia) from N. Territory and billabongs of the Murray-Darling-River-system were investigated for Rotifers. In them were found 5 populations of a new species, Filinia australiensis. The different morphes of this plankton-rotifer differ from those of F. longiseta type and its related forms by the more voluminous body, and thicker appendages; the trophi are characterized by their exceptional length (40-43 um) and 28 pairs of unciteeth, in contrast to F. longiseta and the morphe limnetica which have shorter trophi (28-32 um length) and 21 pairs of unciteeth. Because the taxonomy of this group in the genus Filinia has been until now mainly based on few marked morphological characteristics (measures of appendages, distance of posterior appendage from the caudal end of body, index of the length of bristles etc.), the author investigated and compared, in addition to these, the trophi of several Australian Filinia-populations and of some related American and European Filinia-specimens. In the latter material the author could observe a new species, Filinia hofmanni, which differs from the related F. lonigseta in the construction of the trophi (15/15 unciteeth), from F. terminalis (15/16) and in the insertion of the caudal bristle, also in its autecological demands. The findings are presented in 4 tables and 8 figures. Accordingly these trophi-analyses seem to be a reliable aid to the identification of the different taxa in this group. Table 4 can be used as a numerical key. Also it is intended for addition and correction of Koste/Voigt 1978.