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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 668

Robert E. Magnien and John J. Gilbert; Diel cycles of reproduction and vertical migration in the rotifer Keratella crassa and their influence on the estimation of population dynamics. Limnol.Oceanogr. 28(5):957-969, 1983


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Diel cycles of reproduction and vertical migration were observed in the rotifer Keratella crassa. Egg-hatching synchrony was pronounced during summer, when 73-93% of eggs hatched during a 6-7 hr period. Reproductive synchrony was evident before the egg development stage and may have arisen during oogenesis in response to diel changes in lake temperature. Vertical migration was generally upward at night and downward during the day. These movements differed in timing, however for ovigerous and nonovigerous females. Ovigerous animals reached their lowest and highest positions in the water column about 4 and 6 hr later than nonovigerous animals. These differential migration produced diel changes in the depth profile of egg ratio. These findings of egg-hatching synchrony and vertical migration have important implications for studies of zooplankton population dynamics. In the 2 years of this study, sampling at different times of day produced daily variations in egg ratios and calculated instantaneous birth rates that approached an order of magnitude.