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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 639

Suzanne Bosselmann; Production of Keratella cochlearis in Lake Esrom. Arch.Hydrobiol. 87(3):304-313, 1979


In File


The production of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) in Lake Esrom was estimated by the linear method. Total production was 11,400,000 ind. m-2 year-1 hatching from subitaneous eggs, and minimum 400,000 ind. m-2 year-1 hatching from resting eggs. Production was maximum in August due to high temperature and favourable food conditions. Turnover of individuals and biomass was 41 year-1, and 21 for the productive months, May to October. Maxima of turnover were found in May and August. The seasonal variation of production and turnover was similar to that found for the dominating crustaceans in the lake, indicating that the midsummer is a period of low turnover of the zooplankton.