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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 612

Wilhelm Foissner, Anna Czapik, and Krysztof Wiackowski; Infraciliature and silverline system of Sagittaria hyaline nov. spec., Chlamydonella polonica nov. spec., and Spirozona caudata Kahl, 1926 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Arch.Protistenk 124:361-377, 1981


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The morphology and ecology of Sagittaria hyalina nov.spec., Chlamydonella polonica nov. spec., and Spirozona cautada Kahl, 1926 were investigated. Sagittaria hyalina occured in an ephemeral puddle of a path. Its somatic and oral infraciliature is very similar to that known from Platyophrya. However, its silverline system is very similar to that known from Colpoda and Cyrtolophosis. This particular combination of features supports the maintenance of the family Sagittariidae (R. and L. Grandori, 1935) which is shifted from the Hymenostomata to the Colpodia. Chlamydonella polonica is a beta-mesosaprobic up to alpha-mesosaprobic ciliate that differs from other species of the genus mainly by the lack of a Y-shaped perioral kinety. Spirozona caudata occurred in the mud of an alpha-mesosaprobic stream. The somatic infraciliature consists of 21 strongly left spiraled ciliary meridians, 9 of them from a ribbon-like structure at the right side of the body. Its oral apparatus is tetrahymenal. Although the infraciliature has some features in common with that one of the genus Colpidium the family Spirozonidae Kahl, 1926 is maintained. This is supported by the particular somatic infraciliature and some special structures of the oral apparatus. However, the Spirozonidae must be shifted from the Trichostomata to the Tetrahymenina.