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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 595

Fleury, A.; The use of correlated ultrastructural and morphogenetic characters in evolutionary taxonomy of hypotrich ciliates. Biosystems 21:309-316, 1988


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A new morphogenetic criterion, the "unit of turn-over" emerges from the dynamic analysis of hypotrich morphogenesis. The unit corresponds to the set of morphogenetically interdependent somatic structures whose turn-over is correlated to nuclear modifications. Hypotrichs are seen to conform to one of two very general modes of turn-over of their ciliary structures during a variety of morphogenetic processes, one in which all somatic cilia and their infraciliature are replaced, and the other in which only the cirral structures (not the dorsal dikinetids) undergo replacement. A strong correlation is observed between the type of turn-over occurring and ultrastructural features of the corresponding species. From an evolutionary point of view, these data lead to a new subdivision of hypotrichs, into the Euhypotrichina and the Pseudohypotrichina.