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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 473

D.M. Saxena, M.K.K. Pillai, and S. Shivaji; Mode of action of alkylating agents using a ciliate protozoan as a model system VI. Inhibition of synthesis of macromolecules by metepa in Tetrahymena pyriformis (Ciliata). Arch.Protistenk 126:339-353, 1982


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Tetrahymena pyriformis, when exposed to metepa (tris-2(methyl-1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide), showed a drastic reduction in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins. The inhibitory effect was found to be dependent on the duration of metepa treatment and its concentration. Metepa also induced some quantitative changes in the histones but the extent of the effect varied depending on the particular histone fraction. It is evident that metepa inhibits cell division in Tetrahymena by inhibiting the syntheses of nucleic and proteins which are the necessary prerequisites for cell division.