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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 341

Schoenen, D., Dott, W., and Thofern, E.; [Microbial settlement of paint- and building-materials in the sphere of drinking water. 7. Communication: long time observations in two drinking water reservoirs coated by epoxy resin (author's transl)]. Zentralbl.Bakteriol.Mikrobiol.Hyg.B. 173:346-355, 1981


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In two potable water reservoirs with an epoxy resin lining an increase of the colony count in the water and a visible microbial growth on the surface could be observed. The slime consists of bacteria and fungi. In one case higher organisms like protozoa were found too. The growth of microorganisms is caused by organic compounds of the epoxy resin which can be deteriorated by microorganisms. After a period of 3 years both materials still promote microbial growth on the surface.