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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 12

Charles, E.K. and Maria Rosa Miracle; A perspective on aging in rotifers. Hydrobiologia 73:13-19, 1980


In File


Most research on aging in rotifers has been performed with populations, not with individuals. As a consequence, the dependent variable in these studies is usually either mean lifespan or rate of survivorship. After a brief consideration of the literature published since the last major review (King, 1969), the results of a series of experiments are presented. Males and females of three genetically distinct clones of Brachionus plicatilis were used for a factorial life table analysis at three different temperatures. The results of these experiments indicate several potential problems in using populations to study the aging process of individuals. These problems derive from the fact that lifespan is only one component of fitness, and its relative duration may not reflect the evolutionary success of the clone. That is, lifespan is free to vary in response to both stochastic and deterministic events without significantly reducing fitness. Under these conditions, neither mean lifespan nor pattern of survivorship will provide meaningful on the determinants of individual senescence.