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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 11

Manuel Serra and Maria Rosa Miracle; Biometric analysis of Brachionus plicatilis ecotypes from Spanish lagoons. Hydrobiologia 104:279-291, 1983


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Univariate comparisons and several multivariate statistical analyses have been performed to study the morphometric variability of B. plicatilis. Both laboratory clones kept under constant conditions and natural populations from different Spanish lagoons and different times of the year have been compared. The results show that not only size, but also allometric coefficients are influenced by environmental factors. However, an important genetic component in the variation of shape and size has been visualized. A clear North-South ordination of the populations of the different lagoons and an important dispersion between their summer populations as well as great differences due to seasonal variation became apparent by the multivariate statistical analysis used.