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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7927

A.S. Konstantinov, N.A. Tagirova, V.M. Stepanenko, and E.A. Solov'eva; Effect of Changes in Some Abiotic Factors on Growth, Reproduction, and Energy Metabolism of the Rotifer Euchlanis dilatata Ehrenberg. Hydrobiological Journal 34(1):76-83, 1998 (Originally published in Gidrobiologicheskiy zhurnal 31(6):14-21, 1995)


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Periodic deviations of water temperature, salinity, and pH from the stationary values optimal for rotifers proved to have a favorable effect on the growth, reproduction, and energy metabolism of these animals. Rotifers similarly responded to changes in each factor under study, which provides evidence that their reaction was unspecific. These data may be important for the biotechnology of aquaculture and should be taken into account in ecosystem monitoring and prognosis.