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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7922

A.P. Myl'nikov and S.A. Karpov; New Species of Colorless Flagellate, Thaumatomonas seravini sp. n. (Thaumatomonadida, Protista). Hydrobiological Journal 30(2):1-6, 1994 (Originally published in Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 72(3):5-10, 1993)


In File


A colorless freshwater amoeboid flagellate, T. seravini sp. n., is described. The cell measures 9.9-16.5x6.6-11.6 µm; cysts diameter is 8.3-11.6 µm. Cell body flattened. Locomotory flagellum short, posterior flagellum two times body length. Two contractile vacuoles have a common canal. A large nucleus is situated anteriorly. Cytoplasm contains many large granules. Somatic scales are trianguar, base length is 0.7 µm; they are perforated along the edge. Plasmodia form as a result of a disruption of cytokinesis and cell fusion. T. seravini differs from other related species in size and body shape, in the granular cytoplasm and the shape of the scales.