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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7917

G.A. Galkovskaya, G.I. Gorelysheva, and I. Kufel; Diurnal Vertical Distibutions of Rotifers and Algae in Lake Mikolajskie, Poland. Hydrobiological Journal 29(2):38-48, 1993 (Originally published in Gidrobiologicheskiy zhurnal 28(2):16-25, 1992)


In File


Data on the day and night abundance profiles of planktonic rotifers in Lake Mikolajskie are presented. The correlation between the abundances of rotifers and of various size fractions of algae indicates that favorable conditions for grazing of the 5-10 µm algal fraction occur at night.